Pierre Elliott Trudeau speech (tonight I’m stepping down as your leader)
”Tonight I’m stepping down as your leader,” Mr. Trudeau said in a nationally televised address. ”And in two days we will be choosing a new leader, and you’ll find me there following him because we have more building to do.” ...
Barack Obama Speech (The Audacity of Hope)
It’s that fundamental belief — I am my brother’s keeper, I am my sisters’ keeper — that makes this country work. It’s what allows us to pursue our individual dreams, yet still come together as a single American family. “E pluribus...
Aneurin Bevan speech (They are lower than vermin)
“…no amount of cajolery, and no attempts at ethical or social seduction, can eradicate from my heart a deep burning hatred for the Tory party that inflicted those bitter experiences on me. So far as I am concerned, they are lower than vermin.”Aneurin...
Speech 09: Betty Friedan (don’t iron while the strike is hot!)
Reflecting on a Betty Friedan speech in March 1970, in honour of her legacy on the occasion of International Women’s Day. “We need an instant revolution against sexual oppression.” In 1970, 50 years after American women were awarded the...
Paul Keating speech (The Redfern speech)
“Just a mile or two from the place where the first European settlers landed, in too many ways it tells us that their failure to bring much more than devastation and demoralisation to Aboriginal Australia continues to be our failure.”Prime Minister Paul...
Angela Merkel Communication (the 2020s can be good years)
“My fellow citizens, we stand at the threshold of a new decade. The 2020s can be good years.” A few hours before the strike of midnight, German Chancellor Angela Merkel addressed her country with a speech embued with determination and hope. In this speech,...
Boris Johnson Speech (Get Brexit Done!)
A Campaign Speech to Unite a Divided Country and win an election… There are many, many examples of Boris Johnson at the podium. The Tory victory in the recent UK election owes a great deal to the rhetorical skill displayed by Boris Johnson. Love him or hate him,...
Ronald Reagan speech (I have slipped the surly bonds of earth)
Pathos with a dash of politics: Ronald Reagan, 1986 On the 28th of January, 1986 the world witnessed the disastrous explosion of the space shuttle Challenger. Ronald Reagan addressed his country and the world in the aftermath of the tragedy. This was a powerful speech...